Assembly Instructions
Let's set up your Airchamber
How to assemble your new Airchamber Storage System
Congratulations and welcome to the Airchamber owners club. Airchamber Storage Systems are engineered to last for many years with very little maintenance and like many owners, you’ll only have to set it up once. Assembly is easy and should take under an hour. Download, view, or read the instructions here:
Airchamber Assembly Instructions
The AIRCHAMBER was developed, taking into consideration what is required in order to take the best care of your vehicle without having the traditional hassle and risks associated with other storage concepts. The AIRCHAMBER works around these very important principles:

The AIRCHAMBER has been designed as a freestanding and lightweight structure. The structure consists of only the cover anda rigid frame that is secured to the inside of the cover. This integral design means that the assembled unit is extremely strongyet also flexible, lightweight, and easily maneuverable.

There are three access points on the AIRCHAMBER. The main entrance is situated at the opposite end of the chamber to the fans. There are two other doors, one centrally located on each side of the chamber. All doors are opened by way of two vertical zippers at either side of the opening and a velcro tab which runs horizontally across the full width of the bottom of the opening. The doors are opened by pulling the two zippers in an upward direction and peeling the velcro tab away from the base. Both the zippers and the velcro tab have been designed to allow a regulated amount of air to escape from the AIRCHAMBER when inflated (see AIR FLOW principles section).

The small zipper located centrally at the top of the main entrance can be opened to increase air flow and exchange the air inside more quickly. This is to aid in drying a wet car, cooling a hot car or when maximum airflow is preferable.
The AIRCHAMBER uses electrostatic filters to ensure that your vehicle remains in pristine condition. The electrostatic trap filters are of the ‘sock’ type and fit onto the fan capsule. A static charge runs through the nylon filters when the fans are in motion increasing the filtering efficiency and removing even the smallest particulate matter from the air being drawn into the AIRCHAMBER.

AIRFLOW Principles
How does the AIRCHAMBER work? Air flow is the key.
It is a common misconception that humidity is the cause of one of the problems associated with storing a vehicle. This is not the case. Humidity is the moisture content in the air and moisture is always present in the air. Relative humidity changes constantly and varies with the seasons, the weather and geographic location. There is no perfect balance. Too little humidity and materials in your car such as leather, wood, plastics, rubber and carpet will dry out, crack, crumble and shrink. Too much humidity with a rapid temperature change will cause condensation which is the enemy of all vehicles. Condensation occurs with rapid changes in temperature or when something hot meets something cold, much like breathing on to a cold pane of glass. The dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled in order to become saturated with water vapor. When cooled further, the airborne water vapor will condense to form liquid water. If air cools to its dew point through contact with a surface colder than the air, then water will condense on that surface.
A car has large panels of metal and glass which are ideal places for condensation to occur and most cars will start to rot from the inside out. This is because when the condensation occurs on the metal it usually occurs on both sides, but obviously, the outside is what we polish and wax and is open to the air. The other side is hidden and sheltered but susceptible to condensation – the inside of the doors, under the carpets, behind the rear seats, in the trunk etc. This is why we usually don’t recognize the problem of rust until it is too late. Cars are designed to be driven, not to stand in garages for a prolonged time. The doors and other cavities receive an adequate throughput of moving air when the car is driven but not when it is motionless. The AIR FLOW principle centers around this point. Instead of the car moving through air, the AIRCHAMBER moves filtered air (up to five thousand cubic feet per hour) around the car. The moving air will assist with quickly drying the vehicle through evaporation.
But what about the issue of condensation? If the exchange of air is controlled by giving the vehicle its own environment, then we can also control against rapid temperature changes around the vehicle. Inside the AIRCHAMBER, there are up to three complete air exchanges every hour, or up to one every twenty minutes depending on the amount of venting that has been set. If there is a rapid change in air temperature outside, then it will take twenty minutes or more to change inside. This is not a rapid change and therefore condensation does not occur or is at worst, minimized.
The AIR FLOW principle achieves two objectives: firstly, it assists in the prevention of condensation and secondly it has the ability to dry your car and keep it dry.
Check contents in shipping carton

1 x AIRCHAMBER in storage bag. (The AIRCHAMBER comes complete with pre-assembled fans, filters, capsule and wiring loom)

1x Pole Bag with three bundles. (Includes 8 adjusters with short poles). Pole connectors are color coded. Base: Gray Upright: Gold Roof: Silver

4x Metal corner Joints with 110° angles for the roof section.*

4x Plastic side joints with 110° angles for the roof section.*

1x Transformer. (This may be located inside a pocket in the storage bag)

4x Metal corner Joints with 90° angles for the base section.

4 x Plastic T Joints with 90° angles for the base section. *

Plastic side joints with 135° angles for the middle roof sections (L, XL and MT models only)
* Note: L and XL models will additionally include: 4 base poles, 4 roof poles, 4 upright poles, 4 roof joints, and 4 base joints. L, XL and MT models use 135° angled side joints for the roof section.
NOTE: Assembly can be done with one person, but it can be easier, faster, and more enjoyable with two. Read the following carefully prior to beginning to ensure correct assembly.
Step 1:

Remove the AIRCHAMBER from the bag. Unroll it so that the fans are at the opposite end from the garage door. Make sure that you leave room for the exiting doors on the left or right hand side. Remove the protective shipping foam from the inside of both fan capsules. The foam is on the inside of the AIRCHAMBER and can be easily shaken free from the outside.
Plug in the transformer to a wall outlet and connect to either one of the fans. Both fans will run. TIP! Remove the fan filters as this will speed up the inflation process. VERY IMPORTANT! Do not place any objects in or near the exposed fan blades or the fans may become damaged. Avoid direct contact with the exposed fans when they are powered. Injury may occur!

Step 2:
Allow the AIRCHAMBER to inflate at least halfway. TIP! It may be necessary to hold the fans vertically to aid initial inflation. VERY IMPORTANT! Do not place any objects in or near the exposed fan blades or the fans may become damaged. Avoid direct contact with the exposed fans when they are powered. Injury may occur! Once inflated or at least halfway inflated, place the bundles of poles and all the hardware inside through one of the side openings, then enter the AIRCHAMBER. Zip the opening back up behind you as quickly as possible to avoid the AIRCHAMBER deflating.

NOTE: Be aware before assembling the frame, that the poles will be in tension once the frame is fully connected. The final connections for each step will require some stretching or mild bending. This is normal and will not harm the AIRCHAMBER if the following steps are adhered to.
The base and roof section poles have been equipped with “Length Adjusters” at the 8 corners. The Length Adjusters will enable you to lengthen or shorten the overall pole length, to suit the contraction/expansion of the plastic sheet materials due to changes in temperature. Just unscrew the Length Adjuster at one end and the respective pole can be moved in or out for length adjustment. Once assembled it is unlikely that this will be necessary again.

Step 3:
Start with the base. GREY CONNECTORS The lengthwise poles are two piece, whereas the widthwise poles are three piece. TIP! It makes assembly quicker and easier if the poles and connectors are laid out in position beforehand. Remember! All base corner joint angles are 90° Thread the poles with GREY connectors through the sleeves attached strategically around the perimeter. It will be necessary to dismantle the poles and stretch the connecting elastic string to achieve this. The sleeve at the base of each door is velcro. Look at the diagram to see the position of the plastic T joints along the length of the AIRCHAMBER base as some models have more vertical poles than others.

Note: The length adjusters go closest to the corner joints! When joining the poles, leave one of the length adjuster sections disconnected adjacent to the corner to prevent accidentally puncturing the PVC during assembly. When you are ready to insert the pole into the corner piece, connect the length adjuster section and carefully make the connection with the corner joint. TIP! A small drop or two of dish washing soap in the joint sockets will aid assembly. Do NOT use petroleum based or other lubricants on the joints as this may adversely affect the joints and/or poles. Secure the lengthwise poles to the corner pieces first, then secure the width poles.
Note: that the main entrance base pole goes under the velcro flap on the base mat. Don’t worry! It is easier to wait until the frame is fully assembled before doing this step (see step 6).

Step 4:
Now do the roof. SILVER CONNECTORS The lengthwise poles each are two piece, whereas the widthwise poles are three piece. As before, thread the poles with SILVER connectors through the sleeves provided. Again, start with the lengths. Note: The connection of the poles which make up one full length, is located in the center of the door on each side and is inside one of the sleeves. There are velcro loops above each side entrance zipper. The four-angled joints go here with the 110° angle pointing across the width of the roof. Note: Remember – The length adjusters go closest to the corner joints!

When joining the poles, leave one of the length adjuster sections disconnected adjacent to the corner to prevent accidentally puncturing the PVC during assembly. When you are ready to insert the pole into the corner piece, connect the length adjuster section and carefully make the connection with the corner joint.
The metal corner joints for the roof section are different from those on the base and one of the three corner sockets has a 110° angle. This angle points across the width of the AIRCHAMBER to give a slight arch to the roof shape. Take care to ensure these joints are correctly oriented. Install the widthwise roof section cross brace poles.

Step 5:

Lastly connect the upright poles. GOLD CONNECTORS Make sure as before, to thread the poles through the sleeves being careful not to puncture the PVC! Leave one section of the pole loose at the top and only connect it when you are ready to install into the socket. Secure the top of the upright pole to the roof joint first, then lift the bottom of the pole into the base joint. This makes it much easier.

Note: For L & XL models, 4 additional upright poles, roof supports, and joints are supplied:
- A2 (T joints)
- B2 (centre roof joints)
- C1 (upright poles)
- C2 (centre roof poles)
Step 6:

Once assembled and all the poles are fitted, open all the doors by pulling the zippers upwards and peeling the velcro from each opening base. Now is the time to open the velcro flap at the main entrance to cover the base pole. Turn off the power to the fans and refit the two filters. Do not turn the power back on until the filters are fully fitted to avoid the possibility of injury or damage to the fan blades.

Well done! You are now ready to drive your car into its new home! It is easier to drive the car in forwards. After exiting, close the zips on the openings carefully, making sure that you do not catch the flaps in the zippers. Seal all three velcro strips at the base of the openings.
Now, grab you and your neighbor and a cold drink. Stand back and enjoy your car in its new display!
The wrinkles in the PVC caused by packaging will smooth out over time. The internal pressure from the fans and warmer ambient temperatures will help. Do not attempt to use a heat gun to “iron out” the wrinkles!
Note: Your AIRCHAMBER is fitted with external metal loops on each top corner. These loops may be used to tether the corners to fixed points in your storage space if additional rigidity is required. It is important that the tethers (not included) are not too tight as this may result in tearing where the loops are located. Attention should be drawn to the tethers’ positions and their possible hinderance to walk through areas.
D-Ring connector

Location of D-Ring connectors

For information on proper care and maintenance of your Airchamber, please see the Maintenance page. Thank you again for joining the Airchamber owners club. It’s very nice to have you.
If you'd like supplemental instructions with an aerial view of your Airchamber's internal support structure, please click the size of your unit below to view it's appropriate pole diagram.